nedjelja, 06.11.2011.


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Sunce sebe gleda, (The Sun Watches Itself), Dejan Stojanovic

Sunce sebe gleda, (The Sun Watches Itself), Dejan Stojanovic

About the Book
Dejan Stojanovic, Sunce sebe gleda, Knjizevna rec, Beograd, 1999

By statement: Dejan Stojanovic?.
Series: Biblioteka Pismo
Source records: Library MARC record
Library MARC record

Language: Serbian
Dimensions: 21 cm.
Pagination: 157 p. ;
LCCN: 00279202
LC: PG1419.29.T587 S86 1999
Subject: Poetry


The second collection of Dejan Stojanovic's verse, "The Sun is Watching Itself," is covered by a metaphysical and philosophical veil. Eleven segments are connected by these two abstract approaches and by such key images as a circle, suggesting infinity, and silence, reflecting space and eternity. The circle serves as a powerful symbol and a device of the perpetual in this poetry: "the end without endlessness is only a new beginning," claims the poet. Thus, one of the poems bears the title "God and Circle," symbolizing the perennial search for an exit and the eventual finding of one, which only leads into another circle and to continuous evolution. This prompts Stojanovic to pose the question "Is God himself a Circle?"--implying that God is endless and ever present.

Although concise, the poems convey in a powerful and specific manner messages from the triad circle-God-eternity, connected by man's destiny and the poet's concept of human life and origins, and of the universe itself. In other words, microcosmic observations lead to macrocosmic revelations and didactic conclusions. The poems seem to teach us what is obvious in the context of common sense, often surprisingly remote to the modern man.

In terms of style and format, the author has a coextensional approach; he uses relatively simple expressions and words in an interplay of brilliant meanings that bring about highly complex but easily readable structures. If elegance is represented by simplicity, then these are some of the most elegant verses imaginable; unadorned verses that are a source of beauty and wisdom.

Stojanovic's perceptions of light and darkness, of fantasy and reality, of truth and falsehood present us with a circular format of infinity and resurrection.

The format has its logical beginning and end. "The Sun is Watching Itself" begins with poems dedicated to God and the universe, then descends from the metaphysical to the philosophical, focusing on more ordinary such us the symbolic meaning of a stone, a game, a place, silence, hopelessness, and the question "Is it possible to write a poem?" Stojanovic's collection might well serve as an affirmative answer to this question. The poet has taken us on a long journey from God and universe to our everyday world. We all seem to be a part of a circle, says the author, searching for the eternal in the universe, only to realize the finality of life on earth. The poet's message is doubly effective for its extraordinary, soul-searching content and its reflective, powerful language.

-Branko Mikasinovich, Washington, D.C.
WLT World Literature Today, A Literary Quarterly of the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Volume 74, Number 2, Page 442, Spring 2000


Vec sa prvom zbirkom ("Krugovanje") Dejan Stojanovic je kvalitativno znacajno postulirao svoj poeticki credo i simbolicki kompleks tako da uz pomoc njega moze uspesno da se prati obimno koncipirana celina, kontinuitet i preokupacije, drama pesnickog stvaranja u borbi za istinu i trazenje smisaonosti kroz kreaciju u zbirci "Sunce sebe gleda." Kroz poeticku prizmu narecenih zbirki jasno se sagledava i poetsko "vjeruju" Dejana Stojanovica koje bi bilo najblize Nastasijevicevoj misli da bi trebalo prozeti se poezijom, a ne samo dodirnuti je. Pesnik sa prvom zbirkom prihvata izazov, koji jos bolje znacenjski produbljuje u drugoj; odricanje od moderne koja je sama sebi svrha, opredeljujuci se da pesnickim simbolima iskaze univerzalnu dramaticnost.

Pesnik, i kada je osecanje slobode u njemu jedna od osnovnih dominanti osecanja sveta, ne moze se oteti utisku da je jos samo jedna karika u lancu potvrdivanja i nastavljanja volje onih spodoba koje iz dubina nebica izlaze na svetlo dana, zauzimajuci sebi svojstvena i primerena mesta u hipokriziji, oportunizmu i egocentricnom konformizmu nasih dana. Otuda je u poeziji Dejana Stojanovica put ka sustini i istini poeticki i smisleno lociran "s druge strane vida" ("Krugovanje") dok se formalno poigravanje smislom reci—koje na planu metafizickog usloznjavanja povlaci razgranato poigravanje znacenjem—preplice sa nepomucenom verom u prociscujucu ulogu reci. Profetska uloga poezije u prizivanju i ovekovecavanju kataklizme totalitarnog sveta daruje ontoloski pecat postojanja svemu; u rekombinacijama i specificnim meduodnosima i visnjoj harmoniji izmedu stvari iz fundusa ociglednosti. Osluskivanje pulsacija bica izjednaceno je sa osluskivanjem vecnosti koja vaskrsava u poetskoj matrici saznanja o nepreglednosti i, u isto vreme, unize

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